What is Restorative Dentistry?

Restorative dentistry focuses on repairing and replacing damaged or missing teeth, restoring the function, health, and beauty of your smile. With our minimally-invasive, health-first approach, our skilled team offers a comprehensive range of restorative treatments to address your unique needs and help you achieve optimal oral and overall health.

The Benefits of Restorative Dentistry

Improved Function

Restorative treatments help restore your ability to chew, speak, and smile with confidence, enhancing your quality of life.

Enhanced Aesthetics

Our restorative solutions are designed to blend seamlessly with your natural teeth, creating a beautiful, cohesive smile.

Long-Term Health

By addressing dental issues promptly, restorative dentistry helps prevent further damage and promotes long-term oral and systemic health.

Restorative Services

Dental Fillings

We offer tooth-colored fillings to repair cavities and restore the strength and appearance of your teeth. Our fillings are durable, natural-looking, and provide long-lasting protection against further decay.

Dental Fillings

Same-Day Crowns

Our CEREC technology allows us to create and place custom crowns in a single visit, saving you time and hassle. These high-quality crowns are designed to fit perfectly and blend seamlessly with your smile.

Same-Day Crowns

Dental Bridges

Bridges are an effective solution for replacing one or more missing teeth, restoring your smile's function and beauty. Our bridges are custom-crafted for a comfortable fit and natural appearance.

Dental Bridges

Dental Implants

Implants provide a permanent, natural-looking replacement for missing teeth, preserving your jawbone and facial structure. Our team uses the latest implant technology, including custom surgical guides, to ensure optimal results and long-term success. In fact, we place implants with the crown design in mind so every restoration results in a beautiful, functional, and balanced smile.

Dental Implants


We offer both full and partial dentures to replace missing teeth, crafted for optimal fit, comfort, and aesthetics. Our dentures are designed to restore your smile's function and beauty while providing a natural, confident appearance.


Implant Restorations

Our team can restore your dental implants with custom crowns, bridges, or dentures for a seamless, functional smile. We work closely with you to ensure your implant restorations meet your unique needs and expectations.

Implant Restorations


When necessary, we perform gentle tooth extractions to remove damaged or decayed teeth and protect your oral health. Our team uses the latest techniques and sedation options to ensure your comfort throughout the process.


Bone Grafting

Bone grafting procedures help regenerate lost jawbone tissue, creating a stable foundation for dental implants and restorations. This advanced technique can significantly improve the success and longevity of your restorative treatments.

Bone Grafting


We use advanced platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) techniques to promote healing and tissue regeneration. These innovative approaches harness your body's natural healing potential to enhance treatment outcomes and accelerate recovery.


Sedation Options

We're happy to offer a full range of sedation options, including nitrous oxide, oral sedation, and IV sedation for patients undergoing restorative care. Our team will work with you to determine the best option for your needs and comfort level, so you can feel good about your treatment from start to finish.

Sedation Options

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do restorative treatments last?
Will my restorations look natural?
Is restorative dentistry painful?

Still have questions?

Our friendly, knowledgeable team is always here to answer any questions you may have. Give us a call today!